Products built to last
Since it was founded in 1949, Krampouz has always based its product design on three pillars: quality, robustness and repairability.
We attach great importance to the recyclability of the materials used in the design of the products. At least 73% of the stainless steel used in the manufacture of our cooking appliances is recycled. A virtuous circle for the company, the planet and the consumer.

10-year repair on appliances
Starting at the concept stage, Krampouz products are designed to be repairable. The goal? Promoting repair of the appliance rather than its replacement.
Krampouz is committed to ensuring the availability of all technical spare parts for the majority of its products during an average of 10 years after purchase.
A committed brand
Respect for and protection of the environment and the ecosystem in which the company operates are guiding principles behind all its manufacturing decisions.
That is why Krampouz prioritises local providers in most of its developments so as to reduce its environmental impact.
As part of its sustainable development approach, Krampouz has been involved in an eco-packaging approach for over 10 years and is also a member of ecosystèmes, a company responsible for the collection and recycling of household appliances.
The Professional Future Law of September 5, 2018 on professional equality between women and men introduced the obligation to publish a company score based on the measurement of 4 indicators (companies with less than 250 employees).
Krampouz’s overall score as of March 1, 2022 is not calculable, but the scores obtained for the indicators relating to the distribution of raises and promotions between women and men (indicator 2) and the ten highest salaries in the company (indicator 5) are as follows:
– Indicator 2: 25/35
– Indicator 5: 10/10